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ALERT CONTENT PLACEHOLDER We have ten program areas at UHN spread across multiple sites – four hospitals, five Toronto Rehab facilities, and a learning institute. Needless to say, mobile freedom is important for our day-to-day work. We know how important it is to have quick access to what you’re working on, virtually from anywhere. This is why UHN Digital is focused on improving your experience with file sharing, storing and collaborating with internal and external colleagues. New applications, called OneDrive and SharePoint Online,are now availableto UHN staff! Log into your O365 Portal and click onOneDrive to begin exploring - accessible from any computer, through any browser window. SharePoint Onlineis teamcollaboration hub nowavailable for teams at UHN. Talk to your team about using SharePoint Online and complete this request form to get started. For more information on these newapplications,visit the below resource pages. OneDrive Personal file storage and sharing tool Centralized team collaboration sites ' +' ' +' ';var carouselControls = '' +'';var tileIndicator ='';var tileItem =' ' +'' +' ';/* Main Generate Tiles Function */var makeTiles = function(data){if (data.length == 0) {console.warn('No tiles');return false;}var newIndicators = '', newTiles = '', newShield = '', result = [];/* Separate images in current banner site folder to Shield and Tiles */for (var i in data) {if (data[i].FileLeafRef.match(/shield/g) != null) {continue; }result.push(data[i]);}/* Generate Tiles and Indicator */for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {newIndicators += String.format(tileIndicator, i, (i == 0 ? ' active' : ''));newTiles += String.format(tileItem, i, (i == 0 ? ' active' : ''), ('/' + result[i].FileRef.lookupValue));}/* Assemble Carousel components */var $carouselLayout = $(carouselLayout);if (result.length > 1) {$carouselLayout.find('.carousel-indicators').append(newIndicators);$carouselLayout.append(carouselControls);}$carouselLayout.find('.carousel-inner').prepend(newTiles);/* Replace content in the banner with New Carousel */$('#main-bannerarea > div').append($carouselLayout);/* Init Carousel */var bannerCarousel = document.querySelector('#carousel-banner');var carousel = new bootstrap.Carousel(bannerCarousel);};/* Define SPServces variables */var currentSite = window.location.pathname.split('/')[1],data = [];$().SPServices({ operation: 'GetListItems', listName: 'Images',CAMLViewFields: ' ',CAMLQueryOptions: ' ',completefunc: function (xData, Status) { $(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode('z:row').each(function() {var item = $(this);data.push({'FileLeafRef': item.attr('ows_FileLeafRef'),'FileRef' : {'loopupId' : item.attr('ows_ID'),'lookupValue' : item.attr('ows_FileRef').split(';#')[1]},'ID' : item.attr('ows_ID'),'_Comments' : item.attr('ows__Comments')});});makeTiles(data);}});})();At UHN Digital, we know your work does not just happen at one desk.