Little Light - Chapter 4 - Lavvv (2024)

Chapter Text

The three of them came up with a plan. In order to get to the Streets of Tarkov, they would have to venture through multiple different areas. Since they were at Shoreline, they would have to take the road to Customs. The road is commonly used by Scavs, PMC’s, and literally any other poor soul stuck in Tarkov. Fights always happened there for multiple reasons. Some sick assholes extract camped it, some went for fights, and some unlucky people just ran into each other.

They were currently heading up to the resort, hopefully to find somewhere to rest. The plan was to leave early in the morning, right as the sun was rising. All three of them were tired and just wanted to get some rest for a couple hours.

It was quiet, which was good. Tagilla brought up the fact that the “bald headed geek” could be here with his guards. The brothers were on decent enough terms with Sanitar for them to not kill each other but it would be preferred to avoid him.

The three of them made it into the fences of the resort and were looking for a way in. Conveniently placed outside of the building was a fire truck. It was the perfect way for them to get in. They did just that after making sure the outside was clear.

As the three of them made it inside, they heard a couple footsteps below them. Killa ordered for her to hide in one of the open rooms as he handed her back her knife.

Little Light listened intently, waiting for something big to happen. She felt utterly useless, which was not a pleasant feeling. From what she could tell, there were two PMC’s fighting the brothers. One of the PMC’s had an RPD and was suppressing the staircase with gunfire.

As soon as the RPD stopped, she heard the familiar sound of Killa’s RPK. A couple shots later and she heard Killa grunt in pain. She listened to him stumble up the stairs. She peeked out into the hallway just in time to see him collapse against the wall. Aggressive coughs shook his body as he grabbed his medical equipment.

The rapid shooting of the RPD started once more, which caused Tagilla to yell out in frustration. They were constantly firing at the staircase so he couldn’t run at them. She watched Killa, making sure he was ok. Once she saw him stitching up the wound, she turned towards the hallway.

She kept walking until she found a decently big hole in the floor. From the sounds of it, the PMC’s were right below her. Little Light crouched around the hole and looked down. The PMC’s were on the other side of a white shelf, she could barely see one of them standing to the left.

Little Light jumped down, not making a single sound. She grabbed her knife, reached forward, and stabbed one of them in the back of the neck. The man let out a gurgled scream as she dragged him backwards.

She went to grab his gun and fight the other PMC when she heard Tagilla yell from the staircase. She ducked behind the white shelf just in time to dodge any of his stray bullets. The other man let out a pained grunt before collapsing right next to her.

“Thank you, Tagilla!” She shouted as she walked around the white shelf.

Tagilla let out a grunt as he walked towards her and the PMC’s. She stood there for a moment, before looking down at the bodies. From one quick look, she could tell they were heavily geared. As soon as she grabbed the man’s MK47, she felt the barrel of Tagilla’s gun press against her head.

“Drop it or I will shoot. Little Bitch doesn’t deserve a weapon.”

Little light frowned at the nickname. It was the second time he had called her that and she hated it. Begrudgingly, she did as he said. She dropped the gun and put her hands up, to show that she would not do anything stupid. Tagilla put the gun down, grabbed her arm, and dragged her away from the bodies. He shoved her away, causing her to stumble, and then walked back over to the bodies.

He had his back to her, which made her scoff. This man wouldn’t let her have a gun but would turn his back to her when she had a knife? Honestly, she was more deadly with a knife and an unsuspecting man. Little Light looked over to the staircase as she heard Killa come down.

“Killa, why the f*ck can I not have a gun? You guys are the only way I can get back to my father with the data we need. I can help you! I just killed one of them with a knife! What if I can’t get close to them to knife them?”

“That won’t happen, stop being annoying.”

Little Light scowled and pointed to Tagilla.

“Why? This dumbass literally left himself open to me! I have silent footsteps, he wouldn’t hear me coming. What is the difference with having a gun? If I wanted him dead, he’d be dead!” She screamed, bringing her hands up to rub her temples.

Killa swung around and started to march to her. Before he could say anything, they heard multiple footsteps approaching them. He quickly shoved her into a nearby room and shut the door in her face.

Little Light let out a long drawn out sigh while staring at the door. These two were going to be the death of her. She maneuvered into a position where she could retaliate if necessary. She furrowed her eyebrows as she heard a new voice speak.

“Killa, Tagilla. Why are you here?”

“Ah, it’s just you Sanitar. We won’t be here for long, we were just looking for a place to sleep for a couple hours.”

“What are you two doing on Shoreline? It is a surprise to see you here.”

She heard Killa let out a loud sigh and walked over to her door. He opened it, grabbed her arm, and then yanked her out of the room.

“Let me go asshole! No need to be so f*cking aggressive.” She grumbled.

Killa didn’t let go of her arm as he spoke.

“Because of this ungrateful bitch. Her c*nt of a father f*cking threatened us to take her home. This is Little Light, Lightkeeper's daughter.”

Sanitar’s eyes widened as he walked up to her. He looked her up and down before smirking.

“So, the rumors are true. She doesn’t look like much. Say, why don’t you ransome her? I bet she would make you a hefty amount of money.”

Killa let out a laugh, tightening his grip on her arm. Little Light panicked slightly as she looked up at Killa.

“Because she is much more useful this way. We have an agreement. I won’t get into the details, but it benefits us immensely.

Sanitar nodded his head, reaching into his pockets. He pulled out a key and handed it to Killa. Killa shoved Little Light over to his brother, who caught her with ease. Tagilla kept her pressed against him, letting out a growl in annoyance once she started to squirm.

“Here is room 308, it is connected to 306. You can’t leave the room unless you have the key, so you don’t need to worry about your little prize running away.”

Little Light glared at him as he mocked her. All he did was smile at her before flicking his hand into the air. Sanitar turned down the hallway and started walking away.

“I want you out before 6 in the morning. Don’t overstay your welcome.” He warned, waving behind him lazily.

Killa stayed silent, before climbing up the stairs. She went to follow, but she was still in Tagilla’s grasp. He made no movement to let her go, which made things kind of awkward.

“Let me go, I want to go to sleep.” She forced out, trying to wiggle out of his hold.

His arms tightened around her and then he let go. He instantly grabbed her arm and started to drag her towards the staircase. She sighed excessively when he didn’t let her go. There was no reasoning with this nimrod.

Once Tagilla successfully dragged her to the top of the staircase, he continued to drag her towards 308. It was on the other side of the wing, which meant it was a very awkward silence on the way there.

Killa was already waiting for them outside of the room, seemingly annoyed. He unlocked the door and motioned for them to go inside. Tagilla forced her inside and then shoved her onto the bed. She gasped once she hit the soft mattress before quickly scrambling onto her feet.

“What the hell was that for?” She shrieked.

“You wanted to sleep, did you not? Go to sleep bitch, you're one annoying bitch and I don’t want to hear your voice anymore.” Tagilla responded.

He walked past the bed and out onto the balcony. Tagilla stood there for a moment before disappearing around the corner. She turned to look at Killa, who stood near the edge of the bed. He folded his arms before bringing his attention to her.

“Go to sleep. I’ll wake you up in the morning. Hopefully when you wake up you’ll be less whiny.”

Before she had the chance to respond, he followed his brother into the other room. Little Light stared at the door to the balcony blankly. In less than a week, she had gone to the famous arena, where she was forced to play two matches. She then met Killa and Tagilla, who later rescued her. Helped two of her Arena teammates get to safety. Then go into the health resort to sleep, only to accidentally meet Sanitar. Could this week get any crazier?

Just as she laid down, Tagilla stormed into the room. He stopped directly next to the bed and pointed to the wall on the other side of it.


Little Light stared at him for a moment, before she scowled.

“No. This is my bed.”

Tagilla let out an angry growl before grabbing one of her pillows and slamming it in her face. Little Light instantly started to flail. She tried to punch him in the arm but failed miserably. Instead of hitting his arm, she somehow managed to punch him in his welding mask. Tagilla’s strength vanished as she rolled over and clutched her hand to her chest.

Little Light heard a bunch of shuffling from his direction before she felt the bed sink behind her. She blinked for a moment, furrowing her eyebrows. She went to roll over but stopped due to the close proximity of him. Her eyes widened as she instantly sat up and stared at him.

“Tagilla, what the f*ck are you doing?”

She was met with silence, which pissed her off. Little Light stared down at him before she quickly realized that he was not wearing his rig or helmet. He was, however, still wearing his hat. She smiled as a rather dumb idea popped into her head.

Little Light slowly reached forward and tried to grab his hat. Since he was laying on it, it didn’t fully come off. As soon as he felt any movement, he quickly pressed his hat against his head and turned around in anger.

In that exact moment, she saw his face for the first time. Tagilla’s face was twisted in anger but he was still rather attractive. He had two very noticeable scars on his face. The bigger one was on his eyebrow, curved towards his forehead. The other was above his lip.

She smirked as she looked at him, making sure to take in every part of his face. This was the only chance she will probably ever have to see it, so she might as well.

“You look so cute when you’re angry, is that why you usually wear your mask?”

Tagilla’s face twists in embarrassment, his cheeks turning slightly pink.

“I am not cute you little bitch!” He roared.

“Yes you are.” She sang.

“No, you’re cute!”

Little Light smiled, waiting for him to realize what he just said. They both stared at each other before Tagilla widened his eyes. He instantly layed back down, facing away from her.

“Thank you for the compliment babe. Now, can you scooch over? I don’t want to share a bed with you, let alone touch you.”


“Dude! You have so much space, what is wrong with you?”

She watched him reach in front of him and lift his sledgehammer. He spun it around and then placed it back down in the bed. Tagilla gave it a pat before he got comfortable once more.

“Your… Your sledgehammer? You are taking up so much room because of your f*cking sledgehammer?”

“Little Bitch, can you just shut the f*ck up and go to bed?”

She groaned in anger before laying back down. His bare back was directly in front of her, it was slightly uncomfortable. She turned around, deciding that having their backs touching would be the more comfortable option.

✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

Little Light woke up uncomfortably hot. It was nearly pitch black inside of the room. She went to stretch, only to feel herself be pulled backwards into something hard. The girl blinked a couple times before she brought her hand to the heavy thing around her waist. Little Light felt the rough skin of a man behind her.

She furrowed her eyebrows before everything came rushing back to her. She was stuck in Tagilla’s arms. Without much thought, she quickly swung her arm backwards. It hit him right in his shoulder, close to his collarbone. Tagilla didn’t move an inch, so she started repeatedly hitting him.

After about 3 hits, her arm was grabbed and forced to her side. She attempted to free her arm, which only resulted in him tightening her grip.

“Stop f*cking moving!” Tagilla growled.

“I’ll stop moving once you let me go!”

“No, you’re warm.”

Little Light let out a frustrated groan and went limp. She waited for him to loosen his grip on her arm and then she flipped herself around. She then brought her knee up, and kneed him in the balls as hard as she could in that position.

Tagilla grunted in pain, turning away from her. The second he was on his back, she got on top of him. Little Light straddled his waist and reached in between the bed and the wall. She grabbed her cultist knife and attempted to slit his neck.

Sadly for her, Tagilla grabbed her arm just in time. They sat there for a couple seconds, struggling to win the strength battle between them. Since Tagilla was still in pain from his balls, they were about equal strength at this moment.

At the worst timing possible, Killa walked into the room. He stopped in the doorway as the sound of his safety clicked. She looked over at him to see his RPK pointed at her.

“What the f*ck do you think you are doing? Put the knife down right now or I will shoot!” Killa ordered.

Little Light hissed, she knew he was telling the truth. She stopped fighting Tagilla, dropping the knife on the bed next to him.

“You f*cking bitch! I’ll kill you!” Tagilla roared, shoving her backwards.

She landed near the foot of the bed and quickly scrambled off of it. She backed up next to the wall across from the two brothers.

“He f*cking grabbed me in my sleep! I woke up to this asshole spooning me, who does that?” She screamed, pointing an accusatory finger at Tagilla.

Killa lowered his gun, bringing his attention to Tagilla.

“Bro, you don’t do that. What is wrong with you?”

“She was warm! This f*cking resort is f*cking cold, what was I supposed to do?” Tagilla responded, crossing his arms.

“I don’t f*cking know, maybe put on a shirt for once? It’s not like you're much to look at anyways.” Little Light retorted, swinging her hands above her head

Killa sighed, shaking his head. Couldn’t these two idiots get along for five minutes? He then walked forward and grabbed her knife, putting it into his rig.

“I can’t trust you with anything I see. I don’t blame you for attempting to kill him, but I can't have that happen. Both of you get

ready, we are leaving.”

Killa walked over to the door, unlocked it, and waited for them in the hallway. Little Light didn’t have anything to pack, so she awkwardly followed him out of the room. She didn’t want to be anywhere near Tagilla at this moment. She’d rather have the company of the older brother.

Little Light stood across the hallway from Killa, looking directly at him. He was leaning against the wall, tapping his fingers softly on his gun. From his demeanor alone, Killa seemed like he just wanted to leave.

The heavy silence that lay before them was broken by a couple of thuds and angry yells from the room. Little Light walked towards Killa to peer into the room, only to see Tagilla barrelling towards them. They both move out of the way in time, hearing the heavy thud as his sledgehammer hits the wall.

“What the f*ck are you doing?” She screamed.

She was met with an angry grunt as he forced his sledgehammer out of the hole he just created. Tagilla turned in her direction and raised his sledgehammer to swing at her once more. Little Light yelled in surprise before running down the hallway.

“What is your issue? Stop it you maniac, I thought we had a bonding moment!”

All she got in return was an angry roar from the man behind her. She ran all the way down the central east wing staircase and then out the front door.

Little Light heard Killa yell something at his brother as she went over the broken fence. Once she got over it she turned around just in time to see Killa barrel into his brother. They clattered to the ground, Tagilla’s hammer skidding in her direction.

“Tagilla! What the hell are you doing? We need her alive dumbass!” Killa angrily shouted.

The two brothers started to wrestle each other, trying to overpower the other. It was entertaining to watch, since both of them were relatively strong.

“Answer me!” He shouted again.

Tagilla roared in retaliation as he shoved his brother off of him. He stood up and pointed at her.

“I told Little Bitch I would kill her if she tried to stab me again!”

“Did you even think about what you were doing? No, scratch that. Did you even think at all?” Killa accused.

Tagilla stared at his brother dumbly as the words processed through his thick skull.

“No but she deserved it! This bitch f*cking annoys me.” Tagilla retorted.

Killa sighed, picking up his gun. He then walked over to the girl who was staring at them absolutely dumbfounded.

“Whatever, I can’t be bothered to argue with you. Grab your stupid hammer and let's get going.” Killa ordered.

Tagilla did just that but kept his head trained on her the whole time. It was a rather funny sight, since he was walking a couple steps in front of her. Little Light sighed at him as she followed them towards the road to Customs. Hopefully she can get there in one piece.

Little Light - Chapter 4 - Lavvv (2024)


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Author information

Name: Horacio Brakus JD

Birthday: 1999-08-21

Address: Apt. 524 43384 Minnie Prairie, South Edda, MA 62804

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Job: Sales Strategist

Hobby: Sculling, Kitesurfing, Orienteering, Painting, Computer programming, Creative writing, Scuba diving

Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.