Can’t See Can’t Hear But Love – Saranghachi Scanlations (2025)

Posted on April 2, 2015 by saranghachi

Hello, all. I was thinking about holding this off until my usual release date but I decided to just post it today to get it out of the way. Unfortunately I will be dropping Blind Märchen.

It is mostly my fault that this had to happen due to me being not diligent in my saving of the raws so I apologize. It’s totally because I was lazy in sitting and saving all the images. The reasoning behind me dropping this series is because I recently decided that I should compile finished scanlations before I decide to fully begin release scans again for Blind Märchen but noticed I didn’t have all the chapters saved on my computer since I figured possibly the series would stay up on Naver. I went on the site and only the first 3 chapters are available because the author and Naver have released this series as a book (both eBook and hardcover).
Continue reading →

Posted on January 29, 2015 by saranghachi

So gonna do a quick update before I go start my classes for the day and take a quiz for OChem. Ew.

I will be starting up releases this Friday. (I was gonna do it like…a long time ago and I told myself to do it every Monday up until now but ended up busy and didn’t do so).

I will try and do regular releases (at least 1 series release a Friday) since I scanlated multiple chapters ahead of time for 2 series.

I will be continuing School in the Wild again and will be moving Teenager Younghwa out of hiatus and moving Blind Märchen into hiatus (it’s too much cleaning for me at the moment since I’m in school and doing other projects at the same time. I may begin scouting for a cleaner for this series but it’s a hard series to clean…so idk yet.)

I have not heard back from TwistedHelScans about CSCHBL unfortunately. I messaged one of the admins I’ve been in contact with for awhile during the translating process and I know they are active on Batoto to have seen my message. I don’t know why they are not responding and I see no news about CSCHBL (status update, dropping, a word back to me). If this continues, I will release my own but that isn’t my #1 priority at the moment.

Priority goes as followed: EGScans projects (Pale Horse, SOSWK) > Teenager Younghwa > School in the Wild

Teenager Younghwa is currently completed story-wise so I’m going to try and focus on that ahead of time instead of worry about Blind Märchen or CSCHBL.

I’ll be posting again tomorrow! I’ll be releasing 2 chapters tomorrow.

Posted on December 15, 2014 by saranghachi

Yeah…tired of hearing that right?

I apologize! I’ve been really busy worry about school and then focusing yet again on working on stuff for EGS. (Finished Pinocchio awhile back in its entirety) I’ve been focusing on Pale Horse and Story of Someone We Know.

BUT that doesn’t mean I haven’t been working on the stuff for under this scanlation name.

It wasn’t until recently I really started tackling things I have under this helm actually. Unfortunately I haven’t worked any farther with Blind Märchen or School in the Wild. T___T I’ve actually went back and worked on a project I have on hiatus that is completed on the raws side, Teenager Younghwa. Yay!

Anyway, I skimmed through the series in its entirety to get what’s going so I can start translating it (since literally I was trying to piece every thing together as I released and had no idea what was going on because main character is just as clueless since you know…he got into an accident and got amnesia). I have all the raws and I have now continued scanlating it.

I will also go back through the previous chapters I released for Teenager Younghwa (Ch. 1-3) to recheck my scanlations and release new versions so they are more accurate and convey certain things better to lead to the new chapters if need be. I am currently on Ch. 7 for translating of this series.

I’m not sure yet when I’ll start releasing again though. Hopefully after this week or the following weeks since I’m on winter break then. I’ll try and release at least 1-2 chapters of each series…maybe. (Don’t take my word though…kind of depends on what I want to focus on scanlation wise since I wanna release more for EGS projects)

Moving on, about Can’t See, Can’t Hear, But Love! I know that another group released the last few chapters. I believe Chinese to English according to someone’s comments, I’m not sure. If you have anything to say about releases, go talk to TwistedHelScans because their status is what is holding back the project. I just translated and after that it’s out of my hands. I don’t really talk to the team (TS, QC) If it takes any longer…I might just typeset it myself if I have to if I talk to TwistedHelScans sometimes and see that the project isn’t progressing. I’d rather it be a HQ release of straight Korean to English. (The images for the new release is relatively bad even on Batoto sooo…I’d like HQ images to uphold Batoto quality at least haha)

Anyway, that’s all I have to say. Sorry for not releasing anything you guys. 😦

Sorry to the groups relying on me for my translations so they can translate into other languages as well! I’m causing your fans to nag you too I bet. Sorry.

Posted on May 17, 2014 by saranghachi

Obviously you guys are much more ahead of me on news about releases for this chapter haha.

If you don’t know Ch. 77 for this series is now up and out for all of you guys to read! Yay! Enjoy the countdown to the end of this series!

Read on Batoto HERE!

Download HERE!

Posted on April 16, 2014 by saranghachi

Can’t See Can’t Hear But Love – Saranghachi Scanlations (1)

Such a cute couple!

Author’s Summary (off Daum):
“I can’t see you and you can’t hear me,
but I love you.

Title: Can’t See, Can’t Hear But Love!
Author: Nasty Cat
Artist: Nasty Cat
Genre(s): Drama, Comedy, Romance, Seinen, Slice of Life
Official Status: Complete
Scanlation Status: Indefinite Hiatus

Collaboration with Twisted Hel Scans

Original Link:

(Please visit the original link and flip through the comics. This will show your support for the artist. Feel free to rate each chapter as well to show your reaction.)

Description: Life is stressful for manhwaga, Min Geunsoo but it suddenly become worse when he became blind. Luckily, he met his wife, Jeon Sori, who could be his eyes…but she’s deaf. Follow the tumultuous love story between a blind man and a deaf woman.

Warning: This webtoon will cause you to desire to throw your computers across the room due to feels. If you have a weak emotional disposition, I recommend keeping a box of tissues and maybe anchoring your computer to a table because this will be an emotional roller coaster. (It’s a real good webtoon!)

Reason for Indefinite Hiatus: My translations are completed and sent to TwistedHelScans. It is currently in their hands to release anything. I can’t make them move faster. Sorry!



Chapter: 76, 77

Posted on April 16, 2014 by saranghachi

Thanks to a nice reader who reminded me to make a post (I had an exam today so I did that and ate and slept all day haha).

I’m really excited to finally be restarting this series since I was also a follower of this manga via scanlations but then it stopped uploading. Then I tried getting the raws and scanlating it myself but you know…it’s a pay-for-viewing webtoon so I couldn’t since I’m not a Korean citizen (they only do online transactions that involve citizenship number for security reasons, makes sense).

Anyway, I really enjoy this series and as a warning to all of you who have been waiting, DON’T READ PEOPLE’S SPOILERS!It’ll ruin everything. They really don’t know the ending so just hold onto our seat as we go on the feels roller coaster until the end.You’ll cry and stuff (if you’re emotional like me) but you’ll truly enjoy it.

You can read Ch. 76 on Batoto HERE.

And download it HERE.

Shout out to Twisted Hel Scans for hitting me up to be a part of a this project! They are real nice people over there! Drop by and give your thanks to them! They’re releases are also really good~

ALSO if you look to the right, you’ll see this project on the sidebar. I have to say, I’m proud of myself since I recreated the title logo for Can’t See, Can’t Hear But Love. It’s pretty nice. (gloats to self)

Can’t See Can’t Hear But Love – Saranghachi Scanlations (2025)


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